Praise, Praise, Praise

Jun 28, 2022    Kathy Phillips

Recently I learned that the Hebrew word for psalm can also be translated praise. The book of Psalms is the book of praise! It is a handbook that shows us how to view life through the lens of praise. In the Psalms we praise God not just from our heads but from our hearts. Even the psalms that describe difficult, trying experiences usually finish with a resounding chorus of praise to God. As we meditate upon the book of Psalms we will begin to make praise the default position of our hearts.

Our English word praise comes from a Latin word that means to prize, to value, to hold in high esteem because of some virtue, performance or quality. God is worthy of our praise. It is totally appropriate to always praise God for what He has done and for who He is. He is valued, esteemed, worthy. He deserves our praise.

In the Psalms, who praises God? Heaven and earth praise Him, the seas and everything that moves in it. The angels, the sun, moon and stars praise Him. He is praised among the people, among the nations, and in the congregation. One generation praises Him to another.

In the Psalms, how do we praise God?
We praise God with a song, with the harp, with trumpets, psaltery, stringed instruments, organs, and cymbals. We praise His name in the dance. We lift our hands to praise God. We praise Him with our whole heart.

In the Psalms when do we praise God?
We praise God as we wait, while we have life, we praise Him continually, while we have our being. We praise God all the day long, more and more, seven times a day, from this time forth and forevermore. Forever.

In the Psalms why should we praise God?
We praise God because as we praise Him we take our eyes off ourselves and our circumstances and focus upon our great, good God. Our perspective shifts. We are changed as we praise God.

When we praise God we move into the place of humility. We recognize our dependence upon God and how He has blessed us. There is no room for arrogance when we praise God.

When we praise God we become beautiful in His eyes. Praise is becoming to the upright. Psalm 33:1. The word “becoming” can also be translated comely, beautiful.

Praising God is an important strategy of spiritual warfare. There is an interesting story in II Chronicles 20 that illustrates this point. King Jehoshaphat faced a serious threat from the enemies of Israel who were about to destroy them. After fasting and prayer he called for the tribe of Judah, whose name means praise, to go forth first before all the other tribes. As they moved forward with great praise and confidence in the Lord, the enemy turned against one another and were completely destroyed. The tribe of Judah did not have to lift their hands to fight. Praise won the battle. It is an important strategy of spiritual warfare.

Sometimes praising God is a sacrifice. We praise Him despite our circumstances. We praise Him when all seems lost and we don’t feel like it. And sometimes when we praise Him in the midst of a trial, the circumstances change. Just read the story of Paul and Silas in Acts 13 when they were in Philippi. They had been arrested, beaten, put in shackles and locked in the belly of the prison. As they sang praises to God a great earthquake shook the prison, their chains fell off and they were set free.

We praise God because the Lord prayed for us “on earth as it is in heaven”. When we get glimpses into heaven in places like Isaiah 6 and Revelation 5 we see unceasing praise before the throne of God. Since praise is the reality of heaven, shouldn’t we make praise our priority on earth?

We praise God because through our praise we draw near to God and He draws near to us. Praise welcomes God in, it invites His presence. Psalm 22:3 says that God inhabits the praise of His people. Psalm 100 teaches that we enter His courts with praise.

We praise God because praise is totally an appropriate response to the character and beauty of God. His lovingkindness and compassion are praise worthy. His steadfastness and faithfulness are praise worthy. His character is praise worthy. His actions are praiseworthy. In the words of Jesus, if we don’t praise Him, the rocks will cry out.

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Psalm 150:6

Dear Heavenly Father
Help us to see life through the lens of praise. Help us to offer the sacrifice of praise to You in every circumstance. Change our perspective on life through praise. May we draw near to you through praise and experience heaven on earth. May we become beautiful in your eyes.
In Jesus name,