Christ in the Tabernacle and Feasts

The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed and the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed. In no place is this concept better illustrated than in the Old Testament images of the tabernacle and of the feasts. Through this study we examine these object lessons as they give us new insights into the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. As we come to a deeper understanding of who God is, may our worship become more fervent and our love for Him increase!

Click on the lesson below to access the resources.

Each lesson has the following resources for your personal growth and involvement in Bible study. The full lesson video, audio, and study guide pdf are available for you to watch or download and use at your convenience. In addition, the companion devotional, podcast, and scripture meditation are also available to help you reflect on and apply the principles you are learning. We hope that you will take advantage of these resources as you seek to grow in your understanding of God's Word.